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Support Us


ALC is a non-profit organization run by volunteers and local staff. Our supporters include individuals, organizations and corporations who agree with our vision and
philosophy. Please support us.

Sponsor us

ALC is always looking for sponsors and partnership from schools, organizations and local and international business. Through these ventures, we are able to hold book fairs, international events, workshops, seminars, trainings, and lectures.

Work with us

Help encourage local talent in Laos. We are looking for specialists who can create picture books, picture story shows, painting, music, dancing, education and more.


Your donations will help bring books to children all over Laos, help fund a school library or publish a new title. To make a donation, please contact the ALC office.

Please press the "click" below to pay.

* US$1≈150 JPY

Vientiane Office
Phone: +856-21-416064

Saphangmore Road, Ban saphangmore, Saysetha District,
P.O.Box 1518, Vientaine, Lao P.D.R.