1月4日、ラオスのこども代表チャンタソン インタヴォンの旭日双光章授章祝賀会を、在ラオス日本大使公邸にて開催していただきました。米山JICAラオス事務所所長、コンドゥアン元国立図書館館長、ダラー当会ラオス事務所顧問、スラピー当会ラオス事務所所長も参加し、一緒にお祝いしました。

竹若 敬三在ラオス日本特命全権大使閣下に、ヴィエンチャンにある大使館邸において、お祝いの席を設けて頂き感謝しております。今まで共に活動をしてきた「ラオスのこども(ALC)」の関係者、元国立図書館館長、JICA所長、ホアイホンセンターやホアンカオ学校のマネージャーと家族と一緒に ゆっくりと色々なお話をすることができて、とても有意義でした。
代表 チャンタソン インタヴォン
チャンタソン・インタヴォン(Chanthasone INTHAVONG)ラオスのこども代表
Ms. Chanthasone is an alumni of Japanese scholarship who studied in Japan in 1974. Since then, Ms. Chanthasone has been traveling back and forth between Japan and Laos regularly acting as a bridge connecting the two countries, while continuously and greatly contributing to the cultural exchange.
In 1982, Ms. Chanthasone established a non-profit organization named “Action with Lao Children.” To date, the organization has built school and local libraries across the country, while acting as the very first organization to actively promote reading in Laos. Ms. Chanthasone has contributed greatly to the dissemination of Japanese and Lao language books, including the sharing of Japanese culture through her work.
Moreover, Ms. Chanthasone has been working for more than 20 years at Houay Hong Vocational Center in Vientiane, which was founded under the Technical Cooperation Projects of JICA in 1998. At the same time, she has also administered Houang Khao Kindergarten and Primary School using Japanese teaching curriculum. Her activities well reflect her great intention in sharing Japanese language and culture as well as the promotion of youth exchange between Japan and Laos.
During her time studying in Japan, Ms. Chanthasone had been teaching translation between Japanese and Lao language at the Japanese Foreign Institute for more than 20 years. She has been contributing hugely to the development of Lao language for Japanese people and has been training Lao language for more than 10 Japanese diplomats.