Development of Libraries in Secondary Schools

A project supporting and promotion the creation, management, and training of libraries of secondary schools in Vientiane Province that was completed in July 2022. Though the completion of the project was delayed due to COVID 19 lockdown policies and school closures, after one year since its inauguration, the project has developed positive changes in the thinking and behavior of schools, communities, teachers, and students.
Engagement of Adults
The project supported the development of libraries in wide local communities by engaging village chiefs, parent chairpersons, women unions, and youth unions in cohort with the members of Village Education Development Committee (VEDC).
Some of VEDC’s notable projects include the HinHurp secondary school where they collected funds to set a toilet near the library, as well as Saka secondary school where they trained villagers and volunteers to support libraries to keep them open when teachers are unable to work. Furthermore, three schools introduced and demonstrated the libraries to villagers through the School Library Open Days held in January and February 2022.
Ownership of Libraries
While teachers in the projects have not been involved in the planning and management of facilities including the libraries, through their expertise and on field knowledge, they have made proposals to procure reference books for nearby elementary schools reflecting the situation and demands for schools and communities. The ALC appreciated the enhanced ownership and initiative of the teachers and villagers, such as their preparation of expense books for the next year’s budget.
To Make Library Sign System Attractive
The project provided training courses to promote library as a place of learning outside the usual curriculum supporting students. One such example was the training course for teachers and student volunteers on the library sign system. Participants realized their own ideas by making the libraries more attractive through usage guide, indexation of bookshelves, and exhibitions introducing school curriculum and specific themes. During the School Library Open Days, the participants introduced library sign system and books.
Efforts of Teachers
The other training course was the leveraging of library resource to fit the missing needs of the curriculum. It is often the case that teachers in low income areas only use textbooks to conduct their class, as opposed to the reference books generally used for lecturing. The course succeeded in providing flexible class discussion; as an example, concepts of symmetry was taught through origami and books on insects, or the group leading and discussion of subjects ush as history, geography, and chemistry. Many teachers appreciated the project in terms of supporting classes by books in libraries, encouraging students to understand contents and facilitating active participation in the classes, all of which were based on the hope of teachers to provide more quality opportunities to their students.
Responses from Two Students in Saka Secondary School
Q: What changes do you feel after the development of the library?
A: I believe I study more than the times without the library.
A: I could get better score in language course. I have borrowed books for cooking and started making some dishes at home.
Q: When do you feel happy engaged in volunteer work?
A: I am proud when I can introduce recommended books to my friends.
A: I am also happy when I borrow picture books from the library and read and explain to the children who are not going to schools.
Q: Have you ever attended classes with books? How do you appreciate the classes with books?
A: Yes, I have, specifically classes in literature and history. These classes are more attractive than the ones with only textbook available.
A: In my case, I have attended English and language classes with books which have facilitated more interests in the contents.
At the end, one of the students summarized the library has all answers she needs and is the third home for her.
Expanding Networks
The three secondary schools in the project have expanded teacher networks through social networks, such as Facebook and Messenger. They have exchanged information and ideas, while promoting a healthy competition amongst each institution. In April 2022, the project organized a School Library Exchange Contest. On Day 1, participants presented the library sign systems and exhibition amongst their respective schools. On Day 2, participants presented on the value added of having books in classes by the teachers. Reflecting on the active discussion, the contest is expected to continue by expanding the numbers of schools.
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Next Step
The project evaluation meeting held in May 2022 concluded three project schools are the teachers for the next project school. A project by JICA in 2023 will further develop the project in two more counties in the Vientiane Province.